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The Fashion Geek Podcast

Oscar Torres is a master tailor and the founder of Los Torres Tailors, known for his exceptional skill in creating bespoke suits. Starting his tailoring journey at the age of 14 under the mentorship of a seasoned tailor named Cleveland, Oscar has honed his craft to perfection. Now, with offices in New York, Madison Avenue, and Philadelphia, and collaborations across stores in East Brunswick, Montclair, and Connecticut, Oscar has established himself as a trusted name in the world of custom clothing.
In this episode, you'll learn,
- The philosophy behind "always be fly" and how it transcends fashion to incorporate mindset and behavior.
- The detailed process of creating a bespoke suit, from initial consultations and fabric selection to final adjustments.
- How Oscar Torres turned personal challenges into opportunities, revamping his business during the COVID-19 pandemic and securing key collaborations for future growth.
Guest Links
00:00 Introduction and New Year Greetings
00:31 Meet Oscar Torres: The Tailor's Journey
01:06 The Art of Custom Tailoring
02:15 Building a Brand: Los Torres Tailors
03:20 Navigating Business During COVID
06:08 Early Inspirations and Humble Beginnings
10:49 Apprenticeship and Learning the Craft
12:09 Starting a Business: Challenges and Triumphs
21:51 Creating a Family Atmosphere for Clients
25:00 The Transactional Nature of Custom Tailoring
25:34 Personalized Customer Experience
26:30 Listening to Customers' Needs
28:41 The Bespoke Tailoring Process
33:55 Defining the House Style
37:41 Turnaround Time and True Bespoke
42:19 Expanding the Business
51:09 Always Be Fly: A Philosophy
Reginald Ferguson [00:00:00]:
When you become a tailor, you will never die hungry, but you won't be rich. And so if that's enough for you, then I'll take you in. But if not, then go somewhere else. And I was like, yeah, dude. That that's fine. He was like, alright. Start tomorrow. So this is a Friday, then I started Saturday, and then I was with him for 3 years.
Reginald Ferguson [00:00:16]:
Hello. I'm Reg. And I'm Tiff. And we're the fashion geeks. Trying to make New York. And the world. Well, New York is the world. A little flyer, one outfit And podcast.
Reginald Ferguson [00:00:25]:
At a time. Growing up, I didn't really know any Latino menswear or suit designers. Francisco Rodriguez? I knew him. I have 2 tops of his. They're dope. Oscar de la Renta? Definitely knew him, but he was really woman's work. I'm sure there were many behind the scenes but never in front of them anymore. What has led to such a dearth and invisibility? Is it access? Resources? Connections? The only thing I do know is if you're a Latino launching a men's suit brand today, you have an opportunity to impact not just men's wear, but your community.
Reginald Ferguson [00:01:14]:
Yo. This is Reg Ferguson, fashion geek number 1. Happy New Year. How are you? Welcome to the ride. Thank you so much for listening. Hey. Please tell your friends about us. Please tell them to subscribe, and please give us a review on Apple Podcasts.
Reginald Ferguson [00:01:27]:
Special shout goes to our producer search and everyone down with the Fashion Geeks. And if you have a question or a story suggestion, you can email me at, or hit me up on the insta@newyorkfashiongeek. Today, we're gonna talk with Oscar Torres of Los Torres Tailors, who's in New Jersey, and we're gonna talk about a category of menswear that the everyday man should aspire to. We're gonna talk about custom tailoring. Oscar Torres in the building.
Oscar Torres [00:01:59]:
What's going on, man? How are you? I'm alright. I'm alright. How are you?
Reginald Ferguson [00:02:02]:
I'm well. I'm well. Based on the circumstances, Are you Right. Keeping safe out there?
Oscar Torres [00:02:08]:
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Just doing my thing, you know, mind my own business, talking to no one.
Reginald Ferguson [00:02:16]:
That sounds all good. So before we go into our topic, please tell us, so what do you do?
Oscar Torres [00:02:43]:
I mean, I just make people look good. No. I'm talking I'm just a tailor. Yeah. I'm just a tailor, so anything that a tailor would do. I do alterations. I do make to measure. I do full bespoke, clothing as well.
Oscar Torres [00:02:57]:
So anything that would would have to do with custom for both men and women. So women's overcoat, shirts, trousers, sport jackets, things like that, alterations. We specialize as far as the alterations go, we specialize in, like, the heavy reconstruction work. So I'm talking if we need to reslope a jacket, like the shoulders of a jacket, get rid of, let's say, like, the shoulder pad or, like, the sleeve head, things like that. If you want to taper chest, taper shoulder blades, you know, slim up the sleeves, things of that nature, those are the alterations that we specialize in.
Reginald Ferguson [00:03:30]:
That's, that's a lot, Oscar. I'm gonna have you slow down a little bit, bro. We got a lot of time. So what is the name of your business again?
Oscar Torres [00:03:39]:
The name of the business is Los Torres Tailors.
Reginald Ferguson [00:03:43]:
Got you. And what made you come up with a name that represented your family?
Oscar Torres [00:03:49]:
Well, I wouldn't say it represents my family exactly, but I definitely wanted to have a familial vibe to it. So another thing too is, like, when you you know, there's certain brands that once a person dies and if it's after their name, it just, like, it's weird. Like, for instance, like, Karl Lagerfeld, like, kid's gone now, and what's gonna happen? You know? Like, what happens to the brand? I don't know. I just didn't want my name in the hands of anybody else like that, mainly because not not not so much like, oh, no one's gonna do a good job after me kind of thing, but it's more like, it's just it's weird. I I don't know. I just wasn't something that I really wanted. I didn't wanna have, like, the Oscar Torres brand. Didn't make any sense.
Oscar Torres [00:04:31]:
So using the last name, making it seem like more of a family family thing, just made more sense. And that that's just kinda how how I went with it. You know, it just seems very heritage. It just had, like, a good ring to it, you know, so I I just went with it.
Reginald Ferguson [00:04:46]:
Sure. No. That's nice. How has your brand and your business been doing during COVID?
Oscar Torres [00:04:53]:
Surprisingly well, man. So I was actually running my numbers the other day, comparing to what I did in 2019 2020. And, I mean, obviously there's a hit. I didn't make the same amount of money as I did, the previous year, but I was still able to make a decent amount, you know? So it was, it was nice. Even during quarantine, some of the, some of the guys were just getting tired of being cooped up in the house. They're like, bro, I need some sort of interaction. I need to talk to someone that's not my wife or not my kids. You know? And so they'd be like, dude, like, I wanna make a shirt, like, come through.
Oscar Torres [00:05:27]:
If you're okay with it, like, come through. I was like, yeah, I'm fine. So, you know, masks and gloves at the time. I was wearing the gloves. So, you know, if I'm measuring someone, I don't I didn't wanna, you know, infect them or whatever. So Sure. We would show up, we would and most of the guys that I already were, that I was meeting, I already had their measurements anyway, so there wasn't any need for, for measurements. But, yeah, so we we would pick out a few shirts, and that's all they were doing.
Oscar Torres [00:05:51]:
I did a lot of shirt business in that time. I think I did, like, a pair of pants and maybe a sport jacket. But, yeah, so it was it was those kinds of things. You know, I'm showing up at people's homes, doing private consultations that way, which we've always offered, but it just blew up during, quarantine. Same thing with alterations. I was showing up to people's homes because they were going through their closets. Like, I don't need this. I don't need that.
Oscar Torres [00:06:13]:
I wanna fix this. I wanna fix that. So I was doing a lot of that stuff. So the alterations kept me busy. So, yeah, I I I've been able to, actually do, a good amount of business even even through COVID. And And then when the stimulus check hit, I actually got a lot of young guys that were like, hey, you know what? Maybe maybe let me, get, like, a a sport jacket or something. And so, yeah, I it just I I was able to, you know, they they spent it the way it was supposed to be spent. You know, that's what the stimulus check was for.
Oscar Torres [00:06:41]:
It's to stimulate the economy anyway. So, you know, some guys, like, obviously used it to pay off their bills, which is also a really good thing to do. It's like if you're given free money, like, do whatever you want with it, it's gonna put you ahead. And so for the younger guys that are living at home or, you know, or in college, whatever it is, you know, their biggest investment is their appearance and their image and how they portray themselves to the world. So they're thinking, like, yeah, let me get a pair of pants. Let me get 2 shirts. Let me get a sport jacket. And so I was able to build my business with the younger clientele that way.
Reginald Ferguson [00:07:08]:
Well, you you bring up an excellent point. You're talking about appearance and how it makes one feel. When you decided to enter into the arena of men's tailoring, what led you to actually what led you to actually do that?
Oscar Torres [00:07:26]:
To to do what? Like, the the tailoring?
Reginald Ferguson [00:07:29]:
Yeah. What what led you to to decide to become a tailor? Essentially, that's that's that's that's my question.
Oscar Torres [00:07:37]:
Well, I mean, I started telling when I was 14. So alright. I guess it goes back further to, like, when I was a kid, maybe. Because, I mean, I grew up in, like, a very, very heavy, like, Christian household where you gotta, like, wear suits and ties, you know, on on your Sundays and things like that, you know? And I'm right. And obviously, like, when when you go, you know, you you see some girls, they're wearing their dresses and stuff. Like, you always wanna look fly, you know? And my brother Oh, yeah. Yeah. And so my brother was a very sharp well, at the time was very sharp dresser.
Oscar Torres [00:08:07]:
Reginald Ferguson [00:08:09]:
Has he fallen off? Is that what you're saying?
Oscar Torres [00:08:11]:
No. Just his style is, is is different than mine now. Like before, when you're a kid, you can wear you can get away with wearing, like, a a bright orange shirt with, like, you know, or, like, wearing neon green socks, you know, that kind of stuff. So for the kids, they're like, oh, shoot, look at his socks, like, look at his shirt, like, look at his suspenders, like, looking at that stuff. And he was wearing suspenders too. Like he was wearing the clip suspenders, like, so suspenders and braces, I guess, whatever. Sure. But yeah, so he was wearing that stuff.
Oscar Torres [00:08:38]:
You know, he, he had like, you know, a lot, a lot of girls were kind of like feeling the style. I'm like, damn bro. Like, I, I got, I gotta, I gotta move up. Right. So, you know, just that kind of environment was, something that I really, really liked. And also, you know, after after service or whatever, we would go out, you know, to dinner or something as a family, then people would be like, oh, like, you know, it's a Sunday or whatever that you guys are, you know, dressed really, really well. But I would also notice other guys that were in the restaurants or wherever, like the diners, wherever we were, dressing still in a sport jacket or slacks, or a pair of pants, like a nice shirt, something like that, but it looked tailored. And you can just tell they just had this sort of, like, ambiance of of elegance and luxury.
Oscar Torres [00:09:22]:
And I was really drawn to that. You know, so I always wanted to be in a position where I can wear suits at the highest level. I'm not the smartest person out there by any means, and I never went to college, so I was never gonna get into finance or anything like that. So I was like, you know what? If if I'm not if I can't afford to buy them, then I'll just make them. And I was already very handy. Like, I was heavy into Legos as a kid, so I just liked building things and creating things out of nothing. So I I kinda had that desire to just take whatever the materials I had and make something of it. Like I wanted to be a carpenter for that reason as well.
Oscar Torres [00:09:59]:
So yeah, so I was, I was into heavy into that stuff. And you know, again, the, the fashion aspect too, was pretty cool, but I know I didn't want to do fashion just cause fashion just wasn't really my thing, which I was able to learn pretty early, on it in my life. Like, maybe by, like, 8, I knew that I didn't want to do fashion, but I wanted something in clothing. And then I had a buddy, a family friend, who's like, why don't you become a tailor? I'm like, man, what I don't even know what a tailor is, yo. And he was like, say, I'll introduce you. There's one in Red Bank, and Red Bank is super close to where we lived. We were in Tim Fall. So it's like, you know, you cross the street and, like, you're almost Oh,
Reginald Ferguson [00:10:33]:
Tim Fall. I've heard of it.
Oscar Torres [00:10:35]:
Yeah. So it's it's super close to Red Bank, if anyone knows about it in Jersey, whatever. But yeah. So I was like, yeah. I'll introduce you. I'm like, alright. Bet. And, you know, he was like, we'll we'll go this Saturday.
Oscar Torres [00:10:47]:
And then this Saturday came turned into next Saturday, and the next Saturday turned into next month. And I was just getting impatient. And I'm like, bro, I'm just gonna go. So one day after school, like, I go. I I yeah. I made my my mind. I'm like, alright. I'm gonna go visit this tailor.
Oscar Torres [00:11:00]:
And so I'm walking over. And, and so the walk was a mile and a half over there. So it was maybe a half hour walk for me. So for a half hour, bro, I'm like, dude, I'm shaking. I I don't even know what was going through. I was just so nervous. My palms are sweaty because, you know, you're walking for a half hour deciding, like, I don't even know this guy, and I don't even know what you do for a living, and I get I still want you to train me. You know? So how do you even ask for something like that? You kinda need to know the person you're asking.
Oscar Torres [00:11:27]:
Asking. You kinda need to know what they do to even if you wanna get into it. But what so this is in high school. In high school, I was taking a fashion class.
Reginald Ferguson [00:11:35]:
And were you sophomore or junior? What year were you?
Oscar Torres [00:11:38]:
This was my freshman year.
Reginald Ferguson [00:11:41]:
Oscar Torres [00:11:42]:
Like, my freshman year going into my sophomore year. Yeah. So it was it was, like, towards the end of the school year, because it was summer. I remember being hot as fuck. But yeah, so, I spoke to one of like the fashion teachers and I told them about Taylor and they're like, oh, yeah, that'd be really, really cool. So that's why I kind of must have the strength to go walk over there. So I'm walking and and I and I go up to Cleveland. That that's his, that's his name.
Oscar Torres [00:12:03]:
And I was like, hey. What's going on? My name is Oscar Torres. I'm 14 years old. I know absolutely nothing about this trade, but, I I I want to learn. I don't know if that's something you wanna do. You know, me being real nervous. I don't know if that's something you want to, you know, if you want to take me to the, you know, that'd be great. And he was like, all right, man, like, I just got to tell you a few things though, because you know, a lot of you young kids get like mad and are always chasing money and, and all the care all you care about is the money.
Oscar Torres [00:12:27]:
And he said, he was like, when you become a tailor, you will never die hungry, but you won't be rich. And so if that's enough for you, then I'll take you in. But if not, then go somewhere else. And I was like, yeah, dude, that that's fine. He was like, all right, Start tomorrow. So this is a Friday, then I started Saturday, and then I was with him for 3 years.
Reginald Ferguson [00:12:45]:
Oscar Torres [00:12:46]:
Yeah. So and and and that setup was the best setup I could ever ask for, because right off the rip, he he the the expectation was humility, you know, right off the rip. So, basically, if you're not like, that was one of the the job description, like, the job requirements. You know? Like, it's not, oh, you need a degree here or you need to be doing x y z thing for, you know, x amount of years. The the the the job requirement was to be humble. And that, to me, was amazing because nobody teaches that. You know? And so for him to be like, that was his number one requirement, I'm like, oh, alright. So this is gonna be hell of a ride.
Oscar Torres [00:13:24]:
I can't really tell. And yeah. And so and he was super patient with me. Cleveland has been one of the most influential guys in my life. So, yeah, that that that's how I started tailoring.
Reginald Ferguson [00:13:38]:
So from there, how long did it take you after your 3 year apprenticeship to establish your own brand?
Oscar Torres [00:13:49]:
It took a it took a very long time. I didn't start my brand till, 2017. So how old was I? 20 years old? Wow. Or or 19, more more or less. Yeah. Cause, with, with Cleveland, you know, I would always ask like, Hey, like, when am I going to be ready to work for you? Like full time and like be a tailor here, you know? And he wouldn't ever answer the question. Like, he would just pretend like he didn't hear me. And I'm like, and yeah.
Oscar Torres [00:14:16]:
So I started catching I started feeling some type of way, you know? And and then he he said once because I I forgot what we're talking about. Like, you know, there's always that debate, like, who's the best tailor, you know, whatever. So I was like, Cleveland, like, you might be the best tailor at Red Bank. And then he, like, turned around super quick. Right? And he looked at me, and he goes, it sounded the frog that boasted his own pond. And I'm like, bro, you have
Reginald Ferguson [00:14:36]:
to You said that you said that really fast. Say that slower, because that sounds You said something something profound.
Oscar Torres [00:14:43]:
Yeah. No. It's it's deep as hell. He says, it's sad of the frog that boasts of his own pond. Mhmm. Yeah. And I'm like, bro, you gotta stop telling me all these proverbs, bro. Just like, tell me what tell me what it is.
Oscar Torres [00:14:56]:
You know? And he was just like, yeah, man. Like, if you only know Red Bank, then you will only consider yourself the best within these parameters. But there's a 1000000 and 1 tailors. You have to travel the world. You have to see everybody else's style of tailoring for you to really know who's the best. You know? And then you also have to pick up styles from each one. So, you know, I may do something differently, but so and so next door might do it their way. And then if it's easier for you to do it their way, then you kind of have to disregard what I taught you and do it their way.
Oscar Torres [00:15:29]:
And I'm like, damn. And again, same thing, like the humility, I was like, bro, the fact that you even have the balls to say that I might not be the best guy, you might learn something better from someone else. And instead of using what I thought you used their technique was I'm like, bro, this is so crazy, you know? So he also told me, he kept telling me, like, you might need to move on. You might need to move on. You know, go on to other tailor shops, other apprenticeships, things like that. He was like, because I can only teach you so much. And when I was with him, I was only learning alterations. I was just I was learning basic alterations.
Oscar Torres [00:15:57]:
I was just doing sleeves, like, pant work, things like that, nothing too intense. And then I wanted to get into bespoke at that time because I I was already doing my homework. Because even though I was, showing up every single day after school, when I would come home after my apprenticeship, I was still going into the internet and still learning as much as I could about tailoring. I would still do my homework after the apprenticeship. So, that's what I guess sped up the 3 year process, and I was able to get a lot done there. But yeah. So once I graduated high school, I worked for a custom clothier in Shrewsbury. The experience wasn't that great.
Oscar Torres [00:16:36]:
I didn't like it. I only was there for 11 months. And then I left, went back into tailoring for another year with this other guy. His name is Nelson. And he's, he's an actual bespoke tailor. So that's where I was able to refine my skills. Because, again, Cleveland wasn't teaching me the bespoke skills, so I was just buying fabric that was, like, $20 a yard and just going off of what I learned in the books or going off of what I learned on the Internet, and just basically teaching myself the basics of this book tailoring. And I just kept messing up left and right.
Oscar Torres [00:17:06]:
And Cleveland would tell me, like, you know, this is how it's done, blah blah blah. But it was only just, like, 1 or 2 words of advice. He wasn't sitting down with me to do those kinds of things because he didn't have the time to do that. So by the time I got to Nelson, I already had a certain level of expertise. Like, I already knew how to, canvas a jacket. Well, I was I knew how to prep the canvas, and I knew how to pad the lapels really, really, really, really well. So he was already just, like, in refining the little skills that he did have. And and then it got slow one season.
Oscar Torres [00:17:36]:
This is actually when Trump got elected into office. Because, you know, whenever any president gets elected, that year in itself is always just, like, weird because it's, you know, transition of power and that like businessmen don't really know how to deal with it. So, this is when Trump got into power and, obviously, you know, things slowed down for a little bit And the shop that I was working, I got really, really slow. And so I got laid off. Damn, like, this sucks. You know, I got bills to pay, bro. So I'm like, what do I do? And so I was jobless for a while. This happened at maybe in September.
Oscar Torres [00:18:10]:
I wanna say it could have been October. Who knows? But the point is like all of, all of winter, I didn't really have anything. And I'm, I was still living at home, so it didn't really matter. But having to rely on my parents for things, just I don't know. I didn't like asking them, like, $20 to go out. You know, I just I just didn't like doing that. So around that time, my tax returns came. Right? I'm like, oh, yes, bro.
Oscar Torres [00:18:35]:
Tax return season. No? And, and so my tax returns, like, I think, $1200 or, like, 1100 dollars, something like that. So I'm like, alright. Bet. So I'm like, I'm gonna spend x amount of dollars in in business cards. I'm gonna actually, no. What did I spend it on? I spent I bought my first industrial machine sewing machine, which was actually, it came in pieces, bro. It wasn't even like a a full machine.
Oscar Torres [00:18:58]:
Like, it just came in parts. I had to build it myself, and instructions were in Chinese. So I I couldn't even read the instructions. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so, I mean, thankfully, they had pictures. So the pictures I was just basing off of the pictures, and I messed up my machine, like, 3 times.
Oscar Torres [00:19:12]:
I had to rebuild that thing, like, you know, a a a few a few tries it took me. But, yeah, once I built it, I made sure it was running really, really well. I had to seal it, everything else. Right? So I bought my industrial sewing machine that came in pieces. I bought, a surgery, which ended up being trash. And that spent up my $1200. I spent, I spent it on something else. But, at that time too, when, when I got laid off, I went back to that clothier that I actually, I didn't like, just because like I said, taught me the humility.
Oscar Torres [00:19:44]:
So I'm like, all right, you know, if I didn't like it here, whatever, as long as I can get a job for the time being, yada, yada, yada. And they'll and so I went and they were just like, Yeah, no, we can't give you any work just because we're pretty slow ourselves. But there's a spot in East Brunswick, that you can, you can, you can go, you know? So they hooked me up with an interview over there, which I'm very, very grateful for. And so then I started working there. And so my first paycheck was March 17, 2017. And with that paycheck, I bought my business cards and then I started going to the outlets in Tint Falls, going to every single, store that sold suits. It was like, I'm a tailor. Can I do your alterations? Or if you have any customers that, you know, have well, actually, so the pitch was this.
Oscar Torres [00:20:25]:
I was like, you guys sell suits. Did you have a tailor in house? And they're like, No, we kind of just send people away. I mean, Where do you guys send them to? And they're like, Well, wherever you know, we send them to either cleaners or something. I was like, Oh, because I'm a tailor now. I'm at I live in Tim Fall, so I'm not that far from you guys. Like, would you guys mind referring my, you know, your customers to me? I I can come over here and fit them, and then I can deliver it to the store or I can deliver it to your customers, whatever you guys would would prefer. And they're like, oh, all right, cool. So a lot of them said, you know, quote, unquote, yes, and they held my cards, but no one ever gave me business.
Oscar Torres [00:20:55]:
But there was a a manager at Hugo Boss that was like, dude, like, I don't really know you. And, like, everybody says they're good, so I have to try you out first. I'm like, alright, bet. He's, again, actually, I just bought a suit. So why don't you do the alterations, charge me what you need to charge me. Let's go through the process. And if I think it's worth it, then, yeah, hold your cards. Like, okay.
Oscar Torres [00:21:13]:
Great. So he gave me a suit. I did his alteration. Right? And I deliver it. And the thing too is, like, I wasn't I never got to see it on him ever. Even to this day, I never saw the suit on him. Oh. And so I yeah.
Oscar Torres [00:21:24]:
I was so nervous because I went to go deliver it to him, and he's like, alright. Cool. I'll try it on later. I'm like, well, can you try it on now so that way I can see it? In case if I need to do a different fix, like, I can. And he's like, no. I'm about to open up the store. I don't got time. Like, I'll just have to call you later.
Oscar Torres [00:21:35]:
Damn it. So I was so nervous. I'm like, damn. Like, I don't know if I did a good job or not, blah blah blah. Because like I said, I I consider myself still an apprentice. Like, I wasn't a master tailor by any means. And I'm like, damn, man. Like, I don't know if I did a good job or not, blah blah blah blah.
Oscar Torres [00:21:49]:
Because I I also knew my weaknesses and my strengths to a certain degree. I mean, I didn't have many strengths at that time, but I I kinda knew what I could handle. Right. And these alterations were a little more intense than what I could handle, so that's why I was a little more nervous. But anyway, he calls me the next day. He was like, yeah, dude. The alterations, they came out perfect. I've never had a suit fit this well.
Oscar Torres [00:22:07]:
So, yeah, send your cards over, and we'll start sending you a business. And then that that's how I started, doing everything. And at first, my name was just on the business card. It was just Oscar Torres with my with my phone number, and it was a black business card with, like, the white letter and which I kept the same. But, I'm like, you know what? I might, I might need a brand name, you know, like I, I need, I need something. And, so I was so I was thinking, I was like, yo, what what do I do? You know? And at the time, like, I always wanted to start a business with my brother, but that just wasn't able to happen. And so in Spanish, the word Torres, if you translate it, literally means towers. And so it's it's a feminine word.
Oscar Torres [00:22:43]:
You say las torres, if you're referring to more than 1 tower. But when you're talking about like family and you say Los Hermanos Torres, then it's Los instead of Las. So I was like, Los hermanos tores. Like, I don't know. That sounds kinda tacky. And then, Los tores, like, it just it doesn't really make sense because they're just gonna people are gonna think that I don't know what I'm talking about if I say that way. Because technically grammatically, it's not correct. So I was like, well, what if I went and made it like Los Torres Taylor's? Like maybe that made more sense.
Oscar Torres [00:23:09]:
So I ran with it and then people started liking the name a little bit and they're like, damn, it's got a nice ring to it. I'm like, alright. So then I just kept it. Flowing.
Reginald Ferguson [00:23:15]:
It has a nice flow. There's no question about that.
Oscar Torres [00:23:18]:
So so then so then I kept it. And then, now when I do custom, I always tell people, like, I'm like, welcome to the family. You know, when on the first order, I'm like, congratulations. Yeah. I'm like, congratulations on your first custom order, you know, welcome to the family, then we'll tap up or we'll have, like, a drink together, whatever. And, and they're like, oh, wow. And so now they feel like they're a part of something, you know? So, yeah, that, that, that's how I started the brand. So to answer the question.
Oscar Torres [00:23:43]:
Reginald Ferguson [00:23:44]:
No. You've answered it quite well. But you you just you just hit on something that I'd like to inquire further about. You treat your customers as family. Correct?
Oscar Torres [00:23:53]:
For sure.
Reginald Ferguson [00:23:55]:
Absolutely. That's why do you feel that's important?
Oscar Torres [00:23:58]:
I mean, they they have to feel like they're part of something, you know, because, like, even corporations and I hate corporate. I hate corporate. I hate corporate. Let it be on record that Oscar Torres says fuck corporate. I hate corporate. They're they're emotionless people for the most part. Anyway, even corporate has reward programs for their customers. So that way, if you buy from someone, you get a free you get a free drink, you get a free tie, you get a free something.
Oscar Torres [00:24:25]:
You know? So there there's, always reward programs, throughout everywhere. I can't afford to be giving things away for free, especially when I started. But I still wanted people to feel some sort of connection to what was going on. And I also never wanted to be like, oh, well, I'm just starting out. Can you help me out? I I was I don't think I ever used that card ever when I was starting my business. I was very much like, listen. If I'm good enough, then I'm good enough. That's it.
Oscar Torres [00:24:52]:
So, anyway, because I wasn't tapping into those kinds of, marketing strategies, I guess, to be like, oh, help little old me. I'm like, I still need to make them feel some sort of emotional connection towards what I'm doing. So especially when I started doing custom, that's I, I, I decided just doing, you know, congratulating the guys, because a lot of my customers were either it was the first time doing custom or they were just, you know, trying me out for the first time, whatever it was. But I would always congratulate them because it's still a big purchase. And especially if it comes out successfully, you know, you you wanna you wanna be congratulated for it. So, like, congratulations on your on your first, like, big purchase when it comes to clothing. And then I would just tell them, welcome to the family, you know, and then they feel like they're part of something. And so there's like that little amicable feel to it.
Oscar Torres [00:25:36]:
So, yeah, I think, I think it's super important because if people don't feel any sort of connection, then, you know, they're it's If they need you, then they'll come back because they need you. But if they don't need you, like, if if they have a million and one different source to go to, they're gonna go where they feel most comfortable. And no one needs I mean, there's very few people, but almost nobody needs custom clothing. Unless you got, like, a broken back and, like, you're, like, twisted like a pretzel, then you might need to do custom. But for the most part, this is a want item. It's a want business. So you have to make them want to come back and you have to have them or you have to make them want it bad enough. And it's also not cheap.
Oscar Torres [00:26:13]:
So if if they really want it, they're gonna have to spend the money. But, you know, for me, it's it's never been about the dollars, and also because I've been treated really well. Like, Cleveland made me feel like I was part of of something bigger than just, you know, his business or just tailoring. It was, like, it was something always a little bit bigger than that. The custom collater that I worked for, it didn't feel that way. It just felt very money oriented. And, I mean, they were selling custom. It was made to measure, but it just was so transactional.
Oscar Torres [00:26:42]:
And everything you can tell everything was was, had, like, a hidden meaning to it. Like, it obviously, when you go especially nowadays, if you go to your nice shop, everyone's gonna give you a drink, everyone's gonna offer you wine, everyone's gonna offer you water. Right? It's just so that people would be like, oh, wow. They offer me water. But not because they generally care about you or anything. They just know by offering you those things, they're gonna make you wanna come back. Right? But even for me, like, I'll ask my customer, like, what type of drink do they like? And then they'll be like, oh, well, I like x, y, and z. So when they come in to pick up their suit, I usually have that with for them.
Oscar Torres [00:27:13]:
You know? So I had a guy who, I asked him, what's, what's your favorite drink? He goes, well, I look like a voodoo. I'm like, I bet. You know, so guess what I had when it came to pick up a suit, you know? And there's another guy who he liked to run. So guess what we had when he came to pick up his jacket, I had, I had a people want to go. So though, though, when I offer it, it's I'm not just offering a blanket drink. I'm actually asking you what you like so that when you come to pick up something, then at least I can have it here for you. You know?
Reginald Ferguson [00:27:42]:
Sure. What are other ways do you feel that you make your customers feel special? Like, for example, if I didn't like to drink, what what what would be your other alternatives in order to make a customer feel special? What are the other things you do? The Fashion Geeks are hosted and powered by Blueberry. That's Blueberry, blubrry. Thinking of launching a podcast? Want your episodes to be deployed smoothly? Go to, type in the word fashion, and get a deal on us. Just put in the word fashion. Blueberry always host fly.
Oscar Torres [00:28:18]:
Well, that that I mean, it obviously goes to base base, and that's just where you have to ask questions. And yeah. And that's the thing too, man. Like, you know what bothers me, bro? It's like when people ask questions, they're not listening to the answer. They're just worried what their next question is going to be just to keep a conversation going. But it's like, bro, if you're gonna ask a question, you might wanna listen to the to the answer. You know what I mean? And it kinda sucks that I like I and I've, I've had to tell that to a few other, like, buddies of mine that, like, have their business or whatever. I'm like, listen to your customer, bro.
Oscar Torres [00:28:48]:
So if a guy doesn't like to drink, then I'll be like, alright, bro. Like, are you into tea? Like, are you into coffee or something? Like, you know, what what what are you into? So I'll have tea. I'll have coffee. Like, I'm not into coffee. I hate coffee. But if someone likes it, I'm still gonna offer it because that's what they like. You know? Sure. Or, or if you have water and sometimes, well, I like and I'll joke about it too sometimes.
Oscar Torres [00:29:11]:
Like, if I offer them drinks, like, oh, like, I'm I don't really drink. I was like, oh, well I have, I have, I have a really nice selection of mineral water units, Poland spring, and they started laughing, you know? And I'm like, no, but like real talk, like, do you, like, do you even like, seltzer? And they're like, yeah, I actually do. I'm like, you like seltzer? And, you know, I'll tease them a little bit. And I go, okay. So then I'll have seltzer next time, you know? So it's something like, it's small things like that. Or if not, I'll have like some snacks, you know, they mentioned that they like Oreos or I don't know, I'll pick up on anything. But, you know, you just have to ask what, what they're into, you know? So, and you have to listen to the answer. So whatever, whatever, it can be anything.
Oscar Torres [00:29:48]:
I mean, if they're into cigars, whatever they're into, if I'm hosting an event, I'm having cigars and they're the first people I'm inviting, you know? And so then they're like, oh, like he remembered, you know, or whatever it is. So, yeah. There's, you just gotta listen. So every customer is gonna be different. Not everybody likes to drink. That was just an example. But, yeah, if, if you're into, if you're into, you know, jewelry or something, if you're into cars, whatever it is, like, I'm going to find a way to, to kind of like scratch that itch almost. And, and make it seem genuine too.
Oscar Torres [00:30:17]:
Like, I'm not just going to do it just to, just for like the shock value or to like impress you. It's because like, if we're actually going to have like, and build it like a friendship, then like, you know, this, this is just what it's gonna take, you know?
Reginald Ferguson [00:30:28]:
Sure. So let's talk about your process. You're a custom tailor, which essentially means bespoke. We all know that bespoke is used loosely in in in in the tailoring game, in men's suiting. So why don't you explain to the listeners what your bespoke process is? If I'm a client, I'm a referral. I've never met you before, but I hear you do good work. How does it work at Nostra Losehail?
Oscar Torres [00:30:58]:
So the process is pretty simple. I mean, it's like any other process, like you come in, and actually also before you come in, like obviously we'll hop on the phone call, it will be texting, you know, or DMing each other, whatever. Cause usually you're reaching out to me some way, whether it's a DM text or phone call, And then I'll try to get a gauge as to what you're looking for or what the expectations are. Because some guys just wanna do a jacket, some guys wanna do just a pair of pants, some guys wanna do a full suit. So I have to understand, like, okay, what do you want it for? Like, do you want it for a wedding? Do you want it for something more leisure? Like, what what what is it, you know, why do you want it? Once I understand those things, they're like, oh, well, I want it because I'm gonna get married at The Bahamas. Like, you know, you also have to know your cloths and, like, the regions. Like, obviously, like, linens and cottons are for the summer. And, like, flannels and tweeds and things like that are for the winter.
Oscar Torres [00:31:49]:
So that's just, like, one on one stuff they should know. But yeah. So, I'll ask them a few questions about what it is that they do, and, we'll briefly touch about their career or what their goals are. But that's really when we sit down and, and actually have the consultation. So when we sit down, then it'll be like, Hey, like, so I have, you know, and then when we sit down, I'll have a few swatches already prepared from what our initial conversation was. And then we'll go from there. So I'll, I'll ask, you know, we'll keep the conversation going. Like, what are your goals? Like, what do you do for a living? Do you have kids? Do you commute to work? What do you do? Blah, blah, blah, whatever.
Oscar Torres [00:32:24]:
And then once I understand those things, then I'll start weeding out the, the cloth selection for them. Concern fabrics are gonna hold up better than others. And if they have 12 suits in their closet and there's an enthusiasm, they're just, they just like this stuff, then yeah, you can afford to do the, you know, super, whatever with the silk in it and stuff like that, you know, because you can afford to do so because you're not wearing those pants all the time. So anyway, once I figure out, like, what you you can you can wear and things like that, then you'll start, choosing from, like, a very curated, assortment of, you know, what what I've been able to gather from what, you know, you you're telling me. And then you pick the cloth that you like. It's like, okay, great. I take the measurements. And, and then once I have the measurements, then we begin the cutting.
Oscar Torres [00:33:08]:
And so once I have the, the first try on sample, Sometimes it's cut with the actual fabric. Sometimes it's not. That all depends on the person and the fabric and just the circumstances. And yeah, so you'll, you'll try something on and then I'll do the alterations. I'll, we'll have another appointment where I'll have, you'll have the first fitting. So I'll see what, you know, what needs to get done. And at this point, what the first fitting, the facings aren't on the jacket. You may have 1 or 2 sleeves on the jacket.
Oscar Torres [00:33:40]:
It's it's a very bone like, bare bones kind of construction first because of and at that point, you can do a stupid amount of alterations. You know, you can take in the front edges. You can be, you know, resloping shoulders and you can do a bunch of bunch of different things, and it's not gonna be so intense later on, because, you know, everything is so loosely stitched. So you can at that point, it's easier to remove a shoulder pad or easier to do whatever. So then I, I have the first fitting, I get to see all the alterations I need to get done. And then the second fitting, so my process is a little quicker because usually by the second fitting, it's a finished garment already. And then any further tweaks I need to get done, then I'll do. And then I won't deliver it until either I'm happy or you're happy.
Oscar Torres [00:34:27]:
So we're just going to keep going back and forth until, until we find something, which usually isn't the case. So usually, Nash has been like 3 or six innings. I haven't really gone to the 4th yet. And that that's pretty much it, you know? So and then on your first order, there's always gonna be certainly, you know, puckers and wrinkles and things like that. Your first order is never perfect, even if you do bespoke. But once you start building that relationship with your with your, tailor, then you get to say, you know what? Maybe the lapel came out a little too wide for the next order. Let's make it a little slimmer. And then you start building that.
Oscar Torres [00:34:57]:
It's a conversation, you know? Cause even though I have my, view on style and my jacket lengths and lapel widths, I mean, you're the one wearing at the end of the day too. So you can't be too hard on what your house style is. But yeah, so you build that relationship and then we just keep building it onwards. And so your first one is gonna come out really good. Like I'm telling you, like, I mean, you're doing this book, so like it's really, really good, but then your second one comes out even better. And your third is even better than that. And then you just keeps going on and on and on, you know? So it's it's it's a really, really cool process. So that that's that's the process of the bespoke.
Reginald Ferguson [00:35:31]:
So, essentially, it's initial vision, initial visit, pardon me, a basic fitting, a structural fitting.
Oscar Torres [00:35:38]:
Yeah. Exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. Mhmm. That that's the terminology. Yeah. For sure.
Reginald Ferguson [00:35:42]:
All right. So why don't you describe your house style at those Toldus Tailors?
Oscar Torres [00:35:49]:
The house style is pretty basic. I mean, I mean, I'm not, I'm not reinventing the wheel here, but, yeah. So the house style that I, I like just because I and I'm choosing the house style and I've developed it because I think it flatters most men, in every sense of the word when it comes to like the comfort and just the aesthetics. Right. So the way that I usually cut my jackets is with a little bit of a fuller chest. Not, nothing too sloppy, but definitely a fuller chest. I actually like a little bit of a waist suppression, but I also don't like a tight jacket. So there will be a lot of room through the waist, but your jacket will still be shaped, very, very well.
Oscar Torres [00:36:29]:
So it's hard to do that because some guys what they'll do is they'll leave the chest alone and they'll pull in the waist so tight. It starts to pull, in the middle and it doesn't really look good. So what I do is I kind of just leave a loose waist and then I add to the chest and I add to the hips to kind of give that silhouette. And I'm not I'm not taking away from anything. I'm adding a little bit to it. So I'm adding to the chest. I'm leaving the waist with a little bit more of, room and comfort in there. I'm extending the hip line a little bit.
Oscar Torres [00:36:57]:
I usually cut with a center vent just because when you sit down, the jacket's gonna split, like, in in in the middle where the vent actually opens. And so your the back of your jacket doesn't wrinkle as much. I see with, like, a double vent, that one big piece, that panel, the back panel, it kinda just crumbles up in the back when you have the side vents, and then your back is always wrinkled. But, you know, I have to change the vent style depending if you got a big ass or not, you know, so, like I'm a flat ass, so like I'm going with this, with the, with the single vent. And most people are, but if you got like, if, I mean, if you're, if you're playing some like heavy sports, like hockey or, you know, you're like playing baseball or football, you know, like those sports, then yeah, you're, you're most likely gonna need double but yeah, so usually we do, we do, a single vent. We do bezel pockets, no flaps, just because flaps are annoying as hell. I don't like them. The, the lapels are usually gonna be a little bit wider than usual.
Oscar Torres [00:37:56]:
You know, so I would say maybe like 4 inches to 3 3 quarters, depending on the body type. The amount of buttons on the sleeve are very minimal, either 3 or 2, nothing too crazy. 2 buttons, you know, or one button if you're doing the people pal, you know, something like that. But yeah, the house, the house style isn't, isn't too crazy, but it definitely is. I like to consider it sculptured almost, cause you know, you're like, and especially the canvassing, man, the canvassing matters so much to the house style because when you're adding a certain amount of the fullness in the chest, sometimes that fabric just wants to buckle in the chest and if it's not canvas properly, it doesn't have that nice drape to it. So yeah, the canvassing means a lot to, to the house style. And as far as trousers, definitely high waisted trouser, a fuller thigh. I don't I don't don't I don't like pants tight around my my thighs.
Oscar Torres [00:38:47]:
It's uncomfortable, especially when you add, like, keys in your pockets or a wallet in your back pocket, whatever. You need to have some room to your thighs, man. You just gotta have it. And then a tapered a tapered leg. So, like, through the ankle, then it'll taper down there. So usually a 2 inch cuff, 2 inch waistband, tab adjusters. I like pleats, but some people don't. So that's, that's up in the air.
Oscar Torres [00:39:08]:
The back pockets are also beads on pockets, no button, no flaps, no nothing. It's just beads on them. It's cleaner and it's easier to get things in and out of. So that that's basically it. That that's base the basic house style.
Reginald Ferguson [00:39:20]:
Oh, nice. You know you know what you want. You know what you like. That's your vision. And like you said, it always can be altered. No pun intended.
Oscar Torres [00:39:27]:
Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Reginald Ferguson [00:39:29]:
And what's the turnaround for for a bespoke suit? Is it 8 to 12 weeks? What what's your Yeah. Turn for a customer?
Oscar Torres [00:39:39]:
Yeah. The the general turnaround, it all depends on the amount of fittings that we gotta do. And also if it's your first or your, you know, your 3rd order, what doesn't matter? Well, actually, no, I'm saying it does matter because, like, that that's gonna depend how many fittings you need. And then obviously, the amount of fittings also that terms determines the time. But, yeah, more or less between, like, 8 to 12 weeks is is like the standard turnaround, for for a bespoke garment.
Reginald Ferguson [00:40:01]:
And, again, to be clear for the customers, this is true bespoke, meaning that when you're drawing the pattern, you're doing just that. This is an original pattern.
Oscar Torres [00:40:10]:
Yeah. Yeah. And so, actually, now that you're touching on that aspect, our made to measure is still an original pattern. A lot of people wouldn't, they use their made to measure. Yeah. Yeah. I don't, I don't use, a block pattern. I actually don't even have block patterns.
Oscar Torres [00:40:27]:
I don't have any triangle garments, at all. So, yeah, I don't, I don't have, any any base models that I could use even if I wanted to. So even at our made to measure level, there we're we're still drafting the pattern from scratch. There are no preexisting patterns that we just alter for for the customer. The only difference between what I always consider my made to measure to be versus the bespoke is that when you order the made to measure, it comes in as a finished garment. We do have some sample try ons, for made to measure, especially for the women. Mainly because if it comes in as a finished product and it's not good, there are certain alterations that I just can't do on a finished product. Or that you can do, but the finished, it just won't look good.
Oscar Torres [00:41:10]:
So sometimes depending on the body shape or whatever, I'd rather have like a, just a sample try on, and do it that way. But that's, that's not really doing bespoke because it, it comes in as a finished, as a finished product with bespoke. That's when it's not a finished product when it comes in. You have the basic fitting, then you have the structured fitting, and then you have a bunch of other fittings in between. So you get to tweak it a little bit better and at a higher level, than, you know, than what you could with the made to measure. So that that's how I distinguish it. But yeah. So the even at our made to measure, we're still drafting a pattern from scratch.
Reginald Ferguson [00:41:46]:
That's great. That's very significant. Think that separates you. Don't you think?
Oscar Torres [00:41:51]:
Yeah. A little bit. And and it's I was I was talking to this at one of my events. There was this, lady she worked for. I forgot, like, what, custom company. But anyway, they're a manufacturer. And so we're talking about it, and she's, you know, I wanna say she was bragging, but she was definitely just explaining her, her made to measure process and how they do it. And she's, how do you, like, you know, who do you use for your manufacturer? Which I usually don't have a problem, telling them that, you know, where I manufacture the major measure out of.
Oscar Torres [00:42:17]:
But so I told her, I was like, yeah, but I mean, even my major measure, I'm still drafting the patent scratch. She was so that's the spoke. I was like, well, no for us, like the bespoke is when you have the multiple fittings and she was damn. So you're just raising the bar all around. And I was like, yeah. I mean, I would like to think so. You know, and, and the thing too, it's like the amount of tools that I don't have is also kind of it some some people get scared, but I've, like, how much I rely on my eye. Because, I was talking to this one colleague.
Oscar Torres [00:42:43]:
Right? And he's got, like, a level that tells you the the degree or the slope of of the shoulder. So, you know, he uses little tools that puts it up by the tone, like, the the crook between, like, your neck and rear shoulder meet. So he puts it there and, like, a little bubble tells you, like, where, you know, where where to how to draft a shoulder. And for me, I'll just eyeball it. So I just look at someone and I'll be like, okay. Got it. And I'll write it down. And then when they try it on, they're like, yo.
Oscar Torres [00:43:06]:
What the hell? I was like, yeah, man. I got it like that. So, yeah, you know, it's it's things like that where people just get really impressed. The same thing with, like, a stoop posture. There's another, you know, tool that you can put, like, in the at the base of the neck and then, like, on their ground of their back, and you kinda get to see how steeped they are because there's, like, a little another, bubble that will tell you. That one actually, I would I would like to have the slip of the shoulder that I don't really need, but the, the stoop of the neck one, I think would be like a cool one to have, but yeah, even then I I'll still study your posture and be like, okay. Got it. And then once I run it down, and then when it comes in, they're like, yo.
Oscar Torres [00:43:40]:
Like, this is crazy. And the fact that I can get it, you know, I would say, like, a 95 percent accuracy on your first order. You know, it makes me happy because I I definitely worked hard as hell to to get to this point. So, yeah, I don't really rely on on all those tools. I kinda just use my eye, and I've trained it to the point where I can do those kinds of things.
Reginald Ferguson [00:43:59]:
That's impressive. So Thank
Oscar Torres [00:44:01]:
you, man.
Reginald Ferguson [00:44:02]:
You you know, for real. You're based out of Jersey, but what are your entrees into New York and just the overall tri state?
Oscar Torres [00:44:13]:
So, I mean, obviously, like he said, I'm based in New York. I have, I use an office in Madison Avenue, where I will meet clients there. There's another space in Philly that I will use to meet clients there. And I just recently got a, really, really good, deal with this. She's a dressmaker for, like, wedding dresses and stuff. And she is amazing. She's up in Connecticut. And so her and I are collaborating, now.
Oscar Torres [00:44:40]:
So we have a little partnership there. So now I'm in Connecticut too, offering, my my custom services to to there. So I'll I'll just travel, you know, and we'll book an appointment and then I'll reserve the space, whatever, or, like, I'll let people know that I'm gonna show up. And, and then that's it. I'll bring my books with me. And that's why the phone call, is kind of important because that also like, I'm not gonna bring all my books with me because it's just it's so much to carry. So that that's why the the the phone, phone call is really important because that that helps you weed it out. So not and it helps I mean, it's very beneficial because you know what they're already expecting.
Oscar Torres [00:45:13]:
If you wanna talk about budget on the phone call, I guess you can. So that also will prevent you from bringing your very expensive books and wasting your time. So if if you know what their budget is, then you can bring the books that would fit their budget. So the so the first phone call matters, but I'll only bring a few different books with me, at, like, at a time. And then yeah. That that's really it. So I'll just show up, and then I do my thing.
Reginald Ferguson [00:45:34]:
And don't be shy now. You have launched your brand in a few other retailers. Correct? So this Connecticut look is big for you.
Oscar Torres [00:45:45]:
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I
Reginald Ferguson [00:45:46]:
saw on the Instagram because I follow you on it. You've launched in some other retailers. Why don't you talk about that?
Oscar Torres [00:45:52]:
Yeah. So, thank you guys, man. Yeah. No. Because, like, I'm super excited because, I got my ass kicked in the beginning of 2020, but not even because of COVID just because like a lot of like personal stuff. So I got my ass handed to me and I'm like, damn, man. So COVID actually saved my life because, you know, the world shut down for 3 months. And I had nothing I had nothing but time.
Oscar Torres [00:46:14]:
So I'm like, alright, great. You know what? I'm going back to the drawing board. So we went back to the drawing board. I'm doing this and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I just started, you know, really, really revamping what I needed to do. And so I I hosted trunk shows and things like that. Everything's going pretty well. It's able to, like I said, still keep my business going to a certain degree.
Oscar Torres [00:46:29]:
And now I'm seeing certain stores that that I know. And so, like, I was mentioning before, like, I the store in East Brunswick that, this clothier, they hooked me up with the interview. I ended up getting the job. And so I've been working with them since 2017. So it's been, I don't know how many years, 4 years now. Yeah. And so anyway, I've been with them for a while and COVID really hit them pretty bad. And I was kinda like, well, why why couldn't we partner up? You know? It would help me out because now I get I have a space.
Oscar Torres [00:47:02]:
I don't have to constantly traveling all throughout New Jersey. I would have, like, an actual store now because I'm already traveling into New York and into Philly, and now I'd be going into Connecticut. Like, I don't wanna be traveling that much. So having that store would would be a big deal. And then they have a really big tailor shop that I could also use. And so I I, mentioned it to one of the managers first, you know, just throwing an idea out there. And he was like, dude, that, like, you you should tell Steve is the guy's name. He's the the store is called the clothing center, in East Brunswick.
Oscar Torres [00:47:33]:
So he's you should tell Steve. And I was like, you think so? And he's like, yeah. Like, I I I think it would work. I'm like, alright, bet. So, I'm just one day I popped the question to Steve. I was like, bro, like what, what have we collapsed? And he was like a little, you know, I want to say weary, but definitely was like, all right, well, I would have to, I'll have to think about it, but definitely something that I could consider. I'm like, okay, great. So then we sat down, we had a little conversation of what we expected from one another.
Oscar Torres [00:48:01]:
And actually, yes, there, yes. Yeah. Yesterday we, we had, an official system where we actually put things on paper, and, and we were able to reach agreements on things. Yeah. So that's really, really big. So now I have a storefront that I get to use. I have little studio space. I have like a little corner that it's now my designated area.
Oscar Torres [00:48:21]:
I have like, I'm gonna bring my mannequins, probably tomorrow. And the cool thing about them is that they, they have actual inventory. So let's say I have a guy who's doing custom, and all he wants to do is just, like, a dinner jacket, but in his budget, he can't afford the pair of pants or liquor or a shirt or whatever. I don't know. For whatever reason, he just wanna do pants. Whatever. The point is I have a store that has inventory. So now if he just does a jacket, I can still sell him a pair of pants.
Oscar Torres [00:48:46]:
I can still sell him a shirt, or I can sell him the Celtic cufflinks. I can sell him a pocket square. I can sell him other things. And then it just, it's easier for the customer too, because now they don't have to constantly do all this back and forth in one shot. We can handle all of it as before, you know, and my guys were very patient with me. I'll have I, you know, I thank God that the customers that I've had, because they've all been extremely patient with me because it would be a lot of back and forth. Like, okay, let's do this. You know, we'll reconvene another time.
Oscar Torres [00:49:14]:
I'll bring her a few things with me, full, blah, and then we'd have to reconvene another. So it was just constant meetings, which is cool because I was in constant touch with them and, you know, we ended up building like a friendship, whatever, but this just makes it quicker and I can still build that friendship, You know? So the the store in, in East Brunswick, the clothing center, has been a huge addition. And so they are in, like, that central Jersey area. Because I was in Harrison for, a certain amount of time, I also was able to build up a really good trade, up, like, in Northern Jersey. And so actually, one of the stores in Mon in Montclair specifically reached out to me, and we had met, like, 2 years ago or maybe, like, even the year before. And he was like, hey. Like, you know, you know, his his situation was, like, actually doing pretty well, but he just wasn't able to be in the store all the time because, you know, he got other, commitments and things like that. So it was just getting a little too much for him to handle.
Oscar Torres [00:50:07]:
And I was kind of in a similar position too, where I was just biting a little more than I could chew. So he was like, well, why don't we collab here as well? And I was like, alright. So we had a few meetings. We had a few, Zoom calls and conferences and things like that. And yesterday also was my first full day here where I was able to kinda set up my my little space. I have, like, a little, cubby that he has. And so I have my mannequin set up with my books and stuff. Yeah.
Oscar Torres [00:50:32]:
So having him allows me to service my customers up in the north, because that was another issue. It's like I have customers down by the shore and guys in the north. So having to find or or a way to deal with both of them was starting to stress me out a little bit, but now I have spaces where the guys down by the short can drive up route 18 onto, you know, to to meet me at the clothing center, which is a pretty easy drive coming from that low up to East Brunswick. And then the guys from, you know, Montclair or or, like, Harrison, Newark, you know, Hudson County, Morris Morris County, all those guys, it's it's easy to to come to Montclair. So it just it was it was a beautiful, beautiful thing. And then Connecticut's also great because I've never been to Connecticut. So, like, it's just I heard it's a good market. I I I, and I was able to talk to, Melissa who owns, Melissa Tiliet in Connecticut.
Oscar Torres [00:51:24]:
So we've been in good contact. You know, we have a great friendship. And so I asked her, I was like, listen, I got these two things going for me right now. I mean, do you do wedding dresses? Like why don't you offer, you know, men's tuxedos? And she was like, yeah, I mean, that sounds super cool. And so again, she had a few questions. I had a few questions and we were able to hash things out, but it was a really, really smooth transition. And so yeah, she was like, yeah, let's do it. So we're actually hosting an event in Connecticut, in April.
Oscar Torres [00:51:52]:
I don't know the date off the top of my head, but in April, we're gonna have an event there, where we're gonna have like a mini launch party. So that, yeah, the, I have, I have those 3 locations now and it's, it's a, it's a huge blessing. Huge, huge blessing.
Reginald Ferguson [00:52:07]:
Yeah. I think that's an understatement. Oscar Torre,
Oscar Torres [00:52:10]:
I mean, you are
Reginald Ferguson [00:52:11]:
you are you are blowing up for the 21. There's no question about that. It sounds like you're leveling up. You know, I followed you on Instagram for a long time. We met at CTDA a few years ago, and, obviously, we're also trying to do our own collabo. But from this perspective, kudos to you, man.
Oscar Torres [00:52:31]:
Thank you, bro. Appreciate that.
Reginald Ferguson [00:52:33]:
You're you're making it happen. You are humble. I would hope that mister Cleveland is is checking out what you're doing and, is giving his nod of respect as you branched out on your own.
Oscar Torres [00:52:46]:
Yeah. I hope so too, man.
Reginald Ferguson [00:52:49]:
So, Oscar, you used the word actually in the beginning of our interview, but I'm gonna hit you up with it again. So what does always be fly mean to you?
Oscar Torres [00:53:02]:
Always be fly. What it means to me? So I, I always think that it has to do with like a way of being, because I mean, I can, I, I can wear, you know, my jeans and a t shirt and still, still rock it really well? You know?
Reginald Ferguson [00:53:17]:
I agree.
Oscar Torres [00:53:18]:
Same, same, same with you, you know, like, absolutely. And that's the thing too. Like everyone thinks like custom tailored is just suiting. Like, no, you can make some jeans, like you can get like a nice shirt, like, you know, you're, you're rocking it. So I think always be fly really has to do with like, kind of like a sense of, of self where you're comfortable in yourself. And you're always just present, and, and you're confident. So, I mean, you're not one of those guys that has on like this really nice garment. You're walking into this restaurant, and you're like, well, you know, and you got, like, no.
Oscar Torres [00:53:45]:
No. No. No. No. You know, shoulders back, head up. You go in, you introduce yourself, you shake a hand. It's I mean, if you can't because of COVID or whatever, but, you know, you shake a can when you can or when you're able to. You have a smile, you have a great attitude, and and that in itself will will will keep you fly because, you know, it's the same thing with girls.
Oscar Torres [00:54:03]:
Yo, like sometimes, like, obviously like if you're a handsome dude, like girls are gonna be attracted to you. But if you're a dick, like, yeah, like cool, you're gonna have, you know, your 2 minutes of fame or whatever. But the guys that are like, are actually like really, really good dudes, like they're honest and they're, they're, you hardworking and trustworthy. Those are the ones that usually, you know, actually settle down better, I would say, you know, so that that's the same thing as being fly, you know, like it doesn't matter, like, what you're wearing, just wear it well and wear it confidently and you and just have, like, a good mindset. You know?
Reginald Ferguson [00:54:32]:
I agree. I like what you said.
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