chatsimple Men's Wardrobe Stylist | Closet Audit, Inventory and Consultation
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Closet Audit

Your Wardrobe's Reality Check

After the private consultation, and before we go shopping, we need to take a peek into your closet. The goal is to take stock of what you have, decide what you no longer need, and figure out what is missing. This usually takes about an hour.

The Benefits

  • Organization: Once we review, select and purge, you will have a better sense of what’s needed to build the foundation of your wardrobe. No more shopping in your closet.

  • Shop With Confidence: Since we’ve done a closet inventory, you can now make better-informed purchases. If you have 5 white polos, you don’t need a 6th.

  • Support a Good Cause: Donations go to The Bowery Mission (if you’re in New York), where people in need put your clothing  to good use.

Image by Alexander Naglestad

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